You are here: Coram Family and Childcare

Our work

We work to make the UK a better place for families, focusing on childcare and the early years to make a difference to families’ lives now and in the long term.

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Our research provides definitive data on the issues families face and holds government to account.
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Parent-led programmes

Our parent-led programmes support families to achieve their potential and services to meet families’ needs.
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We make change happen by bringing together what we learn from our research and programmes to campaign for solutions that parents need.
People hang out at child play area

Childcare guides for parents

Our guides can help you find, choose and afford childcare near you..

children playing in the sea, sunny day

Our manifesto

Many parents in the UK are frozen out of work by the high cost and low availability of childcare. We need to make childcare work for all of us.

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