You are here: Childcare Survey and Holiday Childcare Survey
Our annual Childcare Survey and Holiday Childcare Survey are the definitive reports on childcare costs and availability in the UK.
Our data – collected every year from local authority Family Information Services – makes it possible to monitor changes in childcare costs and supply from year to year. The annual Childcare Survey is published in the spring and looks at nursery and childminder provision across Britain, as well as after-school clubs for school-aged children. The annual Holiday Childcare Survey is published every summer and focuses on the costs and availability of childcare during the summer holiday.
The surveys are widely used by policymakers and academics in all parts of the UK and beyond, including the Department for Education and OECD.
Childcare Survey
Holiday Childcare Survey
Research by Coram Family and Childcare
Our research and advocacy focuses on making the UK a better place for families, and on holding government to account for doing all it can to remove barriers for families.
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