You are here: Spotlight on Parent Champions Tower Hamlets
Parent Champions Tower Hamlet has had such good impact, they are now diversifying how they use the Parent Champions model to reach further groups of parents. Earlier this year, the scheme targeted families eligible for free early education places for two year olds leading to a marked increase in applications for places and very positive feedback from service managers.
The Parent Champions have the advantage of being integrated with, and directly contributing to the borough’s Parent and Carer Council, a key council consultation forum. As well as providing a sustainable mechanism for parent engagement, the council also provides great links with other areas such as health.
Since the Parent Champions have begun reaching parents, alongside a marketing campaign for early education for two year olds, there has been a 37 per cent increase in childcare related queries to the Family Information Service and almost 40 per cent increase in calls about early education for two year olds. Parent Champions have visited a variety of settings such as stay and play sessions in children’s centres, coffee mornings at schools and parent and toddler groups. Exciting next steps include working with four primary schools to pilot Parent Champions schemes. This will help parents be more informed of local services, help a more diverse range of parents become involved in school governance and also link back directly to the borough’s Parent and Carer Council.
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