You are here: Setting up a Parent Champions scheme
How it works
Based on evidence that word-of-mouth is parents’ most important source of information on childcare, Parent Champions reach the families in your community who miss out on vital information about how to access childcare and other early years services. Being parents themselves, they are able to share their own positive experiences of your services in a relatable, trusted and informal way.
Most schemes run with six to eight volunteers, who typically spend around five hours a week meeting parents. We will work with you every step of the way to launch your Parent Champions scheme:
Benefits for volunteers
- Builds volunteers’ confidence and transferable skills
- Creates a pathway to training and employment
- Provides opportunities for volunteers to give back to their communities
Find out more about volunteering, here.
Benefits for families
- Raises parents’ awareness of early years education, childcare and local family services, improving their children’s outcomes
- Increases access to free early education for two, three and four year olds
- Brings families into children’s centres and other community settings
- Allows families to be involved in the development of local services
- Works to support minority groups and their engagement with services
Benefits for early years professionals
All schools, children’s centres and childcare settings know that valuing and working with parents improves outcomes for children. Parent Champions schemes can bridge the gap between you and your wider community.
- Encourages take up of your childcare services, particularly free early education for two, three and four year olds
- Engages with your local communities, particularly isolated or ‘hard to reach’ parents
- Helps you understand and better meet the needs of your service’s parents
- Encourages parents to participate in parent evenings, support meetings and the development of your services
- Boost children’s educational attainment by encouraging learning in the home
- Increases the uptake of additional services you may offer, such as after school clubs or ESOL classes
More information
To find out more information on Setting up a Parent Champions scheme and how it could work in your local community, please complete the form below and we will get in touch.
Let’s talk about starting your scheme
For further enquiries get in touch with Susie Gething, Senior Programmes Officer, at