You are here: Consultations by Coram Family and Childcare
The government frequently consults when ministers consider changes to a particular area of policy. A Department will outline proposals for change in a consultation document and allow up to 12 weeks for responses to be submitted. The government then publishes a response to those submissions, usually around 6 weeks after the consultation closing date.
Coram Family and Childcare responds to consultations on childcare and family policy to ensure relevant evidence and the interests of children and families are taken into account by officials and ministers.
2017 - 2018 consultation responses
Response to Treasury Select Committee inquiry into childcare
The Family and Childcare Trust recommends replacing the hotchpotch of childcare support schemes with one simplified, progressive funding system that makes sure all parents are better off working.
Response to GLA Education Panel investigation into SEND
The Family and Childcare Trust urges the panel to consider the challenges that exist in accessing early education and childcare for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We provide evidence on three key points we believe the review should consider.
2016 consultation responses
Response to DfE's consultation on early year funding reform
We look at how future funding of free early education and childcare for three and four year olds will change for individual local authorities and providers after the transitional period to understand the long-term impact of the proposals.
Response to consultation on implementation of the 30 hour childcare offer
The Family and Childcare Trust sets out its recommendations on the implementation of the 30 hour free childare entitlement for the Department of Education.
Written evidence on foundation years and life chance's strategy
Building on our Creating an anti-poverty childcare system report, we submitted written evidence to the joint inquiry into the foundation years and the Government’s life chances strategy.
Evidence to London Assembly’s Economic Committee on childcare
The Family and Childcare Trust welcomed the opportunity to give oral evidence to the London Assembly’s Economic Committee’s meeting on childcare in London.
2015 - 2010 consultation responses
- Closing the Gender Pay Gap consultation response
- Response to Department for Education call for evidence on childcare costs
- Joint response to the call for evidence on childcare costs with Every Disabled Child Matters, Contact a Family and the Special Educational Consortium
- House of Lords Affordable Childcare Committee - Written evidence submission
- House of Lords Affordable Childcare Committee – Joint SEND response with Every Disabled Child Matters, Contact a Family and Working Families
- Response to consultation on the Early Years Pupil Premium
- Joint SEND response to the consultation on the Early Years Pupil Premium
- Response to Ofsted consultation on inspecting childminder agencies
- Family and Childcare Trust response to regulation of childcare consultation
- Family and Childcare Trust response to the Ofsted consultation ‘Good early years provision for all’
- Family and Childcare Trust response to government consultation on childcare ratios
- Family and Parenting Institute Submission to the joint Parliamentary Committee on the draft Care and Support Bill
- Family and Parenting Institute Response to employee rights proposal
- Daycare Trust and the Family & Parenting Institute's joint response to the Commission on childcare: call for evidence
- Daycare Trust's response to Ofsted's consultation on the Regulation of Providers on the Early Years Register
- Daycare Trust's response to Supporting Families in the Foundation Years: Proposed Changes to the Entitlement to Free Early Education and Childcare Sufficiency
- Family and Parenting Institute’s response to changes to Entitlement to Free Early Education
- Daycare Trust's response to Independent Review of Early Education and Childcare Qualifications
- Daycare Trust's evidence to the London Assembly Investigation into Childcare in London (October 2011)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Government's consultation on changes to the Care to Learn Childcare Scheme (October 2011)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage (September 2011)
- Daycare Trust response to Modern Workplaces consultation (August 2011)
- Family and Parenting Institute’s response to the Consultation on Modern Workplaces (August 2011)
- Daycare Trust's evidence to the Henley Review of Music Education (October 2010)
- Daycare Trust's response to the 21st century Welfare Consultation (October 2010)
- Daycare Trust's evidence to the Frank Field MP Independent Review on Poverty and Life Chances (September 2010)
- Daycare Trust's evidence to the Childhood and Families Task Force (September 2010)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Tickell Review of the Early Years Foundation Stage (September 2010)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Government's consultation on the draft code of practice for the free entitlement (January 2010)
2009 - 2005 consultation responses
- Daycare Trust's submission to Alistair Darling in anticipation of the 2009 Pre Budget Report (October 2009)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Liberal Democrat's Policy Paper on Women's Policy (March 2009)
- Daycare Trust's submission to Alastair Darling in anticipation of the 2009 Budget (March 2009)
- Daycare Trust's response to the 2020 Children and Young People's Workforce Strategy (March 2009)
- Daycare Trust's comments on the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill (February 2009)
- Daycare Trust's response to BERR on extending the right to request flexible working to parents of older children (Nov 08)
- Daycare Trust's response to the 'Legislating for Sure Start Children's Centres' consultation (Oct 08)
- Daycare Trust's response to ‘Tax credits: improving delivery and choice' (Sept 2008)
- Daycare Trust's response to the 'Liberal Democrat policies on childcare' (June 2008)
- Daycare Trust's submission to Alistair Darling in anticipation of the 2008 Budget (Feb 2008)
- Daycare Trust's response to Ofsted's 'Childcare Act 2006: Future Approach to Fees and Subsidies' consultation (February 2008)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Green Paper ‘In work, better off: next steps to full employment' (October 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the draft statutory guidance on the Early Years Outcomes duty (September 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the proposed childcare registration requirements (for the Ofsted Childcare Registers) (July 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Ofsted Strategic Plan 2007-2010 (June 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Children's Workforce Strategy update (June 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Schools, Early Years and 16-19 Funding consultation (June 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the EYFS Learning and Development Exemptions (May 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the consultation on Securing Sufficient Childcare (May 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Exemption from Ofsted Childcare Registration consultation (April 2007)
- Daycare Trust's submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 (Jan 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the consultation on the Childcare Act 2006: Section 12 Duty to Provide Information, Advice and Assistance (Jan 2007)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Childcare Sufficiency Assessments consultation (Nov 2006)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Ofsted Childcare Register consultation (Sep 2006)
- Daycare Trust's response to the Early Years Foundation Stage consultation (Jul 2006)
- Daycare Trust's submission to hearings on disabled children (August 2006)
- Daycare Trust's response to the consultation on Early Years Professional Standards (No date)
- Daycare Trust's response to the DTI Consultation on 'Choice and Flexibility: Additional Paternity Leave and Pay' (May 2006)